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We investigate the feasibility of using mixtures of interpretable experts (MoIE) to build interpretable image classifiers on MNIST10. MoIE uses a black-box router to assign each input to one of many inherently interpretable experts, thereby providing insight into why a particular classification decision was made. We find that a naively trained MoIE will learn to 'cheat', whereby the black-box router will solve the classification problem by itself, with each expert simply learning a constant function for one particular class. We propose to solve this problem by introducing interpretable routers and training the black-box router's decisions to match the interpretable router. In addition, we propose a novel implicit parameterization scheme that allows us to build mixtures of arbitrary numbers of experts, allowing us to study how classification performance, local and global interpretability vary as the number of experts is increased. Our new model, dubbed Implicit Mixture of Interpretable Experts (IMoIE) can match state-of-the-art classification accuracy on MNIST10 while providing local interpretability, and can provide global interpretability albeit at the cost of reduced classification accuracy.
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黑色士兵苍蝇(BSF)可以是传统处理食物和农业废物(生物塑料)(例如垃圾填埋场)的有效替代方法,因为其幼虫能够迅速将生物塑料转变为现成的生物量。但是,仍然存在一些挑战,以确保BSF耕作在不同的规模上经济可行,并且可以广泛实施。需要手动劳动,以确保从充气喂食基板到监测生长周期中的非生物条件,以确保恢复幼虫的最佳条件。本文介绍了一种概念验证自动化的方法来饲养BSF幼虫,以确保最佳的生长条件,同时减少体力劳动。我们用“智能盖”改造现有的BSF饲养箱,称其为盖子的热盘性质,并带有多个垃圾箱。该系统会自动为幼虫 - 迪埃特底物充气,并实时向用户提供幼虫的生物信息。提出的解决方案使用自定义曝气方法和一系列传感器来创建软实时系统。使用热成像和经典计算机视觉技术监测幼虫的生长。实验测试表明,我们的自动化方法与手动技术相当产生BSF幼虫。
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讽刺是一种越来越普遍的语言现象,并且由于其主观性,缺乏背景和深刻的意见而令人挑战。在多模式设置中,讽刺通过文本和视觉实体之间的不协调传达。虽然最近接近讽刺作为分类问题,但目前尚不清楚为什么在线帖子被识别为讽刺。如果没有正确的解释,最终用户可能无法察觉潜在的讽刺意义。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的问题 - 多式联运讽刺解释(Muse) - 鉴于包含图像和标题的多模式讽刺柱,我们旨在产生自然语言解释,以揭示预期的讽刺。为此,我们开发更多,一个新的数据集,具有3510个讽刺的多模式帖子的解释。每个解释都是一种描述隐藏的讽刺的自然语言(英语)句子。我们通过采用基于多模式变换器的架构来基准更多。它包含了变压器编码器中的跨模型注意,它出席了两个模式之间的区别。随后,将基于BART的自动回归解码器用作发电机。经验结果表明,在五项评估指标上展示了各种基线(用于缪斯采用)的结果。我们还对预测进行人类评估,并获得0.4的FARISS Kappa得分,作为25个评估员之间的公平协议。
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整数程序为代表广泛的真实计划问题提供了强大的抽象。尽管他们能够模拟一般调度问题,但解决大规模整数程序(IP)在实践中仍然是计算挑战。纳入更复杂的目标,例如鲁棒性对中断进一步加剧了计算挑战。我们呈现出良好的(神经网络IP系数提取),这是一种新颖的技术,它结合了增强学习和整数编程来解决鲁棒调度问题。更具体地说,尼斯使用加强学习在整数编程配方中大致代表复杂的目标。我们很高兴确定飞行员的分配到飞行机组计划,以减少中断的影响。我们将很好的比较(1)基线整数编程配方产生了可行的工作人员计划,(2)强大的整数编程配方,明确尝试最小化中断的影响。我们的实验表明,在各种场景中,良好的生成时间表导致33 \%至48 \%的中断比基线配方更少。此外,在更严重限制的调度方案中,强大的整数程序未能在90分钟内产生时间表,很好能够平均在不到2秒内构建强大的计划。
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We propose a deep learning framework for modeling complex high-dimensional densities called Non-linear Independent Component Estimation (NICE). It is based on the idea that a good representation is one in which the data has a distribution that is easy to model. For this purpose, a non-linear deterministic transformation of the data is learned that maps it to a latent space so as to make the transformed data conform to a factorized distribution, i.e., resulting in independent latent variables. We parametrize this transformation so that computing the determinant of the Jacobian and inverse Jacobian is trivial, yet we maintain the ability to learn complex non-linear transformations, via a composition of simple building blocks, each based on a deep neural network. The training criterion is simply the exact log-likelihood, which is tractable. Unbiased ancestral sampling is also easy. We show that this approach yields good generative models on four image datasets and can be used for inpainting.
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